Parent Coaching
Why Parenting Coaching for Parents of Young Adults? ​
Parenting a young adult is hardly intuitive. Especially now, when we have so few healthy parenting models for this developmental period, and especially now when we have a generation of young adults facing one of the most significant mental health crises in recent history, perhaps ever. The present situation is a kind of perfect storm of difficulty: a generation dealing with unprecedented emotional challenges and a generation of parents scrambling to figure out how to respond.
If you are the parent of one of these struggling young adults, I offer coaching designed to help you AND promote best outcomes for your adult child. My approach is warm and nonjudgmental, and grounded in a deep understanding of the developmental needs of ages 18-29.
If we are in unprecedented times in terms of the challenges facing young adults, then we are also in unprecedented times in terms of the challenges facing their parents. In many ways, you - the parents - are the frontline workers in this young adult mental health epidemic. You deserve and need support as much as your adult children does. ​
What is Parent Coaching?
Parent coaching is not therapy. Instead, it is designed to help you navigate the complex journey of parenting a young adult, offering you education about their needs and fine-tuning your support so that they can more readily and successfully move into adulthood. While navigating adulthood is their journey, you can have a positive impact on their process. I see so many parents who have wonderful intentions, but inadvertently create more difficulty for their adult child. As the mother of two sons and two stepsons, I wish that I had had access to a parent coach during my children's early young adulthood years. So, I offer you what I wish had been available to me.

Email or call to schedule an appointment
1020 E. Jefferson St. Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Existing clients, visit client portal here